Food addicts anonymous san francisco meetings
Food addicts anonymous san francisco meetings

We welcome members of any sexual identity or orientation, whether they are gay, lesbian, straight, bisexual, or transgender. Our fellowship is open to women and men, regardless of age, race, religion, ethnic background, marital status, or occupation. Membership is open to all who have a desire to stop addictive sexual behavior. We find a new way of living through the SAA program, and carry our message to others seeking recovery. Our primary purpose is to stop our addictive sexual behavior and to help others recover from sexual addiction. Although we are not affiliated with AA or any other organization, we are deeply grateful to AA for making our recovery possible. Sex Addicts Anonymous is a spiritual program based on the principles and traditions of Alcoholics Anonymous. By surrendering our addiction to a Higher Power, we receive the gift of recovery, one day at a time. Our program is based on the belief, confirmed by our experience, that a Power greater than ourselves can accomplish for us what we could not do alone. We have found, through long and painful experience, that we are unable to achieve recovery from sexual addiction through our own efforts. When we finally reached out for help, we found recovery through the program of SAA. For each of us, there came a moment of crisis. We may have wanted to quit, making promises and many attempts to stop, yet we repeatedly failed to do so. Our addictive sexual behavior was causing pain-to ourselves, our friends, and our loved ones. In the fellowship of SAA, we discovered that we are not alone and that meeting regularly together to share experience, strength, and hope gives us the choice to live a new life. Our addiction nearly destroyed our lives, but we found freedom through the recovery program of Sex Addicts Anonymous. In this faith, in the spirit of selfless service, and with profound gratitude for the gift of recovery we have received, we offer this book to sex addicts who are seeking a new way of life. Not alone, but together, through a Power greater than ourselves, we can and do recover from sexual addiction.

Food addicts anonymous san francisco meetings full#

Here we must emphasize what is often stated in the text itself: the importance of working with a sponsor in order to gain the full benefits of our program. Each member’s experience of working the steps ultimately determines how recovery looks. Our commitment to helping other sex addicts seeking recovery, and our working together towards that common goal, carry the message of SAA more than any piece of literature could. The ultimate tool of recovery is the recovering sex addict. As we grow in experience and wisdom, we trust that more literature will be written to address the developing needs of our fellowship as they are expressed. This book was not intended to be a complete instructional workbook covering every aspect of working the steps. Following the text, we have included personal stories from members sharing their experience, strength, and hope regarding their addiction and recovery. Other areas of interest included are various tools used by members and the Twelve Traditions of SAA, which guide our groups and their service committees in the task of carrying our message of recovery.

food addicts anonymous san francisco meetings food addicts anonymous san francisco meetings

It includes descriptions of our addiction as we have experienced it the purpose and structure of our groups the vital importance of sponsorship as a guide through the program the process by which members define their abstinence from addictive sexual behaviors and the Twelve Steps of SAA. The book you hold in your hands, the first full-length book by the fellowship of Sex Addicts Anonymous, was produced in response to the expressed need of our members for a text providing an overview of our program of recovery from sexual addiction.

food addicts anonymous san francisco meetings food addicts anonymous san francisco meetings

Steps to Freedom FOREWORD TO THE THIRD EDITION Printed in the United States of America CONTENTSįoreword to Sex Addicts Anonymous, Third EditionĤ6. SEX ADDICTS ANONYMOUS is a registered trademark® of the International Service Organization of SAA, Inc. This is the third printing of the third edition of Sex Addicts Anonymous. No portion of this work may be reproduced in any manner without the written permission of the International Service Organization of SAA, Inc. © International Service Organization of SAA, Inc., 2005.

Food addicts anonymous san francisco meetings